issue 7


Travel in space and time and self and ideas. Travel in practical terms, and in abstraction. Travel toward something. Travel as escape. And travel as reckoning.

from the editors

contributed pieces


From Danny and Nick, co-editors in chief: We discovered we are both Leos, born two days apart, and when you put two lions together we can’t help but make a lot of commotion! Welcome to “Leos Roar,” a new, recurring column in Leo in Bloom and a place for the two of us to share email conversations we’ve had on topics that rumble and boom loudly within us.

Designed by Nick Pentzell

Travel Roar: Moving Beyond the Familiar

This issue’s roar is on the topic of  “our sensory experiences in traveling, positive and negative, and moving beyond the familiar.” —- Danny: I recently had my first panic attack on a plane, while boarding, and it was so scary! It was so unexpected, as I am generally pretty at ease on planes, as much…

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We welcome submissions from nonspeakers and will consider submissions from speaking allies. Our issues come out every 2-3 months; the next issue will likely be in November 2023, theme not yet decided. Please feel free to contact us here to pitch a submission!